Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Happy March!

Hello Lovelies!

Well...somehow, I have made it through the most stressful/scary play I have ever been in. There were things going wrong every single night until the curtain rose on opening night, and somehow, providence decided that it would go perfectly and wonderfully, and luckily made the experience worth it. :-)

But now, it is all over, and I am SOOOOO ready to jump back into Tick:Tock just in time for Spring and Summer!

First of all, I have to thank Elizbeth for being the best best friend EVER, by being here for my through all of the struggles of school. Seriously. This company would not be growing the way it has if it had not been for her. She steps up and does what needs to be done, especially when I am too busy. AND on top of that, she comes up with some of the most creative colors I have ever seen. She continues to amaze me with her talents and I am so thankful to have her. :-)

Secondly, I want to let everyone know that we both appreciate the kindness and understanding of our customers. "Real life" as I have been calling it lately, can be very unpredictable and stressful. I know that huge assignments kept me up all night after rehearsals, and well into the morning...just in time to go to class in my pjs because I'm too tired and lazy to care to put on regular clothes. Lol. But now that the play is over, many more evenings are free. I have also started working again a few evenings a week at a local department store selling shoes. While it will take up a few days a week, I am also free the rest of those evenings to work on Tick:Tock, and once we are caught up on orders, it will mean that we will have a lot more free time to do more fun creative things (in fact, after I wrote that, I thought of a color name...What is Free Time? Lol. Cuz I seem to never know what free time is...maybe this is only funny to me. But I would totally buy that color. Elizabeth, if you read this, remind me that we need to make this color).

Thirdly, I'm thinking that I'm going to work on making the foundations line again, but I also think that it is going to require me to get some more matte colors. Which leads to the next thing...that we will most likely be looking into creating some matte eye shadows, as that has been requested several times and I think that a few would be really good to add diversity to the Tick:Tock Originals line.

Well...I need to go to class now, so I am going to have to leave. But I do want to say again thank you so much to everyone. It really means so much to me that we have so many wonderful, understanding customers and I look forward to getting to focus on Tick:Tock again!! I have missed it!!!


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